Those we serve

Those we Serve

Knight-Light Charities, Inc. (KLCI) is a charitable organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to individuals and/or families who may be homeless, have experienced a recent life changing hardship or have been recommended as needing assistance by one of the area charitable organizations. KCLI started helping people in the Denton County area in 2007 and continues to provide financial assistance. Knight-Light Charities, Inc., is one of the few charities that disperses 100% of its donations and operates without any Administrative costs.

40,000 in Denton County live below the poverty level.

6000 Denton county families have incomes less than those considered to be experiencing poverty

Woman depressed about finances. Bills to pay and jobless.

Over 10,000 children under the age of 18 in Denton County live in families whose income is considered below the poverty level.